Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 72 pics

                                                                    Dungey Poster
                                                                     Family Night
                                                      Get Well cards for a sister in ward
                                                                 Stress Test
                                                           Interchanges with Elder Nilson
                                                                  Maria Elena!

Week 72

wow family what  a great week we have had this week first off we baptized maria elena wohhohohohohhohoohhohohoho my life is complete...... the last person that they baptized here in this area was the bishop about 5 years ago so that was a huge highlight of our week sister maria elena has had ton of problems in her life so many and it was such a joyful experience as she was entering into the font with tears running down her eyes my heart burst and after when she bore her testimony she said i know that jesus is my savoir it was an awesome experience!!! and also enrique and his son esau had there baptismal interviews and they passed they are going to get baptized this Thursday on enriques birthday :) they are so awesome its the family that we went to get them married they have been coming to church and they have strong testimonies!!! all and all it was seriously i think the best week of my mission wohoo and also in church we had 9 investigators come to church the most that i have had come to church my whole mission and also my district had awesome weeks too now we just need to kick in the turbo and work our butts off so all of these people can get baptized i feel so blessed family i really do it was a very rewarding spiritual and emotional week for me and i cant thank my father in heaven for everything that he has done for me and my companion i think i spent more time on my knees this week then every!! 
me and my companion our doing great its not that we fought this week but we were just kind of ornery with each other cuz its stressful planning a baptism and everything but we are going to better this week i apologized to him and told him how awesome he is and how much he helps me cuz he really is  a great new missionary!! 
i love you all and i thank you for everything you do for me i cant describe how blessed i am and how happy i am that i am serving a mission!! 
Elder Tams σΎ“©πŸ‘”πŸ˜‚