This week has been a big week i got changes and I'm now presidents assistant with elder batres he goes home in 2 weeks so basically i am learning a new área and what i need to do as assistant and i only have 2 weeks to do it then i have to teach my new companion everything because ill be leaving 3weeks later so it should be fun :) this week in Wednesday we went to the airport to take the missionaries we woke up at 130 and i stood in a línea for 3 hours with my good buddy elder Walker he was supposed to come home with my but he tore his acl so he went home a little early then that same day at 12 i trained the new misionarios that only has 3 days in the Mission it was a great experience for me i trained them for a hour then President got there and lets just say it helped me to open my eyes and see how much i have grown President talked about me to the new missionaries of when i was in cedral and of other wonderful experiences i have had then today we had another training for district and zone leaders we we trained them with President so far its been a great experience for me in just this week i have grown alot as a missionary and im really happy something that President said in one of the conferences that i liked a lot is he said in each one of oír personal conversión we need to learn respect and reverence something that I'm trying harder on today my mom told me that she was on her way to the hospital that my sister molly was being transported in a ambulance and it seriously made me to crazy thinking of every thing that could happen i got on my knees said a pray with my comp and then he gave me a blessing and it was a wonderful blessing where he reminded me to remember the promises of the temple and when i came out of the room i checked my email and my mom told me that my precious sister was okay that it was just a false alarm but i can assure sol of you that when i got the blessing from my comp i felt God's love and i know that he lives i know with al surety that we will return to love with our loved ones and with God's and its a beautiful promise and its why I'm here because in the future i want an eternal family i don't want to work all of my life and do everything for my kids give them my all and when i die i don't want it to just end there I'm so grateful for the knowledge of this plan and i give thanks to gods in my life
Love Elder Tams🐃
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