I hope that as each of you go through this week you will remember the great significance in your lives of the birth of Gods only Son in the flesh Jesus Christ. And let the joy of that testimony within your heart fill your soul with joy and everlasting happiness.Now I know that some of you may be homesick and missing your families during this special time of year. I have a suggestion. Turn your thoughts to your Heavenly Father and let your hearts be full of praise and gratitude for the gift of his Almighty Son in your lives and you will feel the healing power of Jesus Christ as he heals your own homesick heart.And then go out and go to work and tell everyone with whom you come in contact with the good news. That Jesus can heal them and that he loves them. And as you do so you will feel his love for you.
so that's what I'm going to do its really not easy this time of year but its something so special and beautiful it really is being able to be here serving the lord this last month here with Elder Trasviña has been very special for me we have worked hard and we have one more week to work super super super hard so that our investigators can get baptized the 24th and we can accomplish our goal please family pray and fast do everything possible so that this Christmas you guys can feel the same way that you can feel this love in your hearts for our Savior Jesus Christ this last week i had the chance to give 3 baptismal interviews to people that are going to baptize the 24th and my joy was so big as i was able to see there testimony's and the changes that they have had in there lives the power of Jesus Christ has started to heal them and there is no joy bigger for me then being able to ask someone do you feel ready to make this covenant with god and to be loyal to him and to hear them say yes
I know that this church is true that it is the church of Jesus Christ there's no where else that a 21 year old kid can feel and experience the things that i have experienced and the feelings that i have this Christmas as i am here not worrying about the presents under the Christmas tree but worrying about what I'm going to do how can i be more worthy so that we can baptize on Christmas eve and confirm 3 people members of the church of Jesus Christ and welcome them in with loving hugs !
Feliz Navidad provecha el tiempo con la familia y el amor que sienten!!
Elder >Tams
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